Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Congress and Potential Policies

Republican candidates have many ideas about how to fix the economy. But until a candidate is chosen to run against Obama, the candidates' main task is to present their economic policies without much concern for practical implementation. As of right now all the candidates are telling us what they would do for us if they were to win the election. Getting these ideas passed, however, wont be easy.
Presidents don't pass laws so they still have to put up with and try to influence Congress. If a Republican was to win, the Democrats still hold a 51 seat majority in the Senate. So the chances of a Republicans bill being passed are slim. Luckily, a handful of seats are about to be up for election.
1. Why aren't the candidates talking about the likelihood of their programs being passed?
They are more worried about attacks and their main task is to present their ideas to the country so one of them can run against Obama
2. Why doesn't a presidential election really change the direction of the country?
Presidents dont pass laws. We have to wait for 535 ppl to agree
3. How many Senate seats will be up for election in 2012?
The Cook Political Report rates five Democratic seats as toss-ups and two more as vulnerable, while Republicans will only defend four at-risk seats.
4. How many could actually change hands?
 If the Democrats don't hold on to at least 43 seats, it could cause a problem for them.
5. Why would the Democrats still be able to block legislation with only 43 seats in the Senate?
If Obama loses it will leave the Democrats embittered and unwilling to compromise with the GOP
6. How could Rick Perry drastically change the future of social security?
His plan would allow younger citizens to opt for personal retirement accounts instead of Social Security
7. Why do you think Rick Perry and Herman Cain's plans are more popular than Mitt Romney's 87 page plan?
 Honestly i think it was just too long for others to look at.
8. Almost everyone wants to get rid of Obama's health care plan. Why do you think it will or won't be repealed?
 There is no way they will be able to get 60 votes to repeal it.
9. Why do people dislike Herman Cain's "9-9-9 plan"?
Democrats oppose a true flat tax and it would give a greater break to higher incomes and potentially raise the burden on the lowest incomes
10. OOOH!!! Which Republican clown is your favorite? Why??
Michele Bachmann doesn't have the long boring plans unlike the other candidates and just about all of her points are of interest to me....and she's pretty :)