Thursday, September 8, 2011

Obama & Public Opinion

 Obama devoted much of his Friday to informing everyone about the new employment data released in the morning, which showed zero job growth. On top of that, he announced that he would scale back an administration regulation on ozone that energy producers and business leaders had strenuously opposed. And administration officials started to tell everybody that Obama wouldn’t impede the approval process for an oil pipeline that environmentalists had protested at the White House for two weeks. The Obama administration didn't plan on giving America the bad news before a holiday, but John Boehner refused which forced the Obama administration to back down.
 Obama has a chance to start anew with his presidency. He is going to catch a break this week because all of the attention will be focused on September 11 commemorations and the GOP presidential debate. His main focus is increasing the job growth and he doesn't want any distractions. He is trying to push forward, but it is hard for him especially since Republicans are lashing out at him for his job. President Obama is definitely going to be busy.

1. What bad news did the Obama administration release to the media on Friday?
There is zero job growth, Obama announced that he would scale back an administration regulation on ozone that energy producers and business leaders were strongly against, Obama wouldn’t impede the approval process for an oil pipeline that environmentalists had protested at the White House for two weeks
2. Why would they do that right before a holiday weekend?
They had planned to announce it the week after but, House Speaker John Boehner refused which forced the administration to back down.
3. What will keep the public from focusing on the Obama administration's problems this week?
 Sept. 11 commemoration and GOP presidential debate on Wed.
4. What is the top item on Obama's agenda currently?
5. Explain how this story shows how the Obama administration tries to take control of public opinion so that the media does not control it.
The media is trying to focus on all of Obama's short-comings. He knows that the people want jobs and he is making it his top priority so he can show the media that he is making an effort.

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