Monday, December 5, 2011

Balanced Budget Amendment FAIL

1. What is required for Congress to propose amendments?
 2/3 majority
2. Why are Democrats against a balanced budget amendment?
 it would cause some social programs to be cut
3. If this bill passed the House, would it be sent to the states for ratification?
 no. it would be sent to the senate
4. What is the national debt? (NOT how much is it)
 the money that America borrows from other countries
5. Why would programs be at risk during economic downturns if there was an amendment that forced the budget to be balanced?
 spending would be cut
6. David Drier is the Chairman of the House Rules committee. Why is he so important?
he has to schedule all bills for review, set a limit on debate and he also decides whether or not the bill is open or closed
7. What important costs mentioned at the end of the article need to be considered when thinking about an amendment forcing a balanced budget?
national security and defense costs
8. What type of spending is characteristic of the government in the last 50 years?
 the gov't has been spending a lot on defense costs

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