Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Rick Perry

Rick Perry wants everyone to adhere to Federalists ideas, but his model of a fed. gov't resembles the views of Anti-Federalists. He wants a loose confederacy of independently run states with strictly limited authority to tax, little authority to enforce national laws, and primarily responsible for waging wars. His reasoning behind hating the fed. gov't is because he feels as if Washington has shamelessly abandoned trying to respect the Constitution. Perry is lumping together parts of the Federalists Papers that emphasizes the powers of the states. Whenever Perry is confronted by a historical event that challenges his constitutional fundamentalism, he ignores it.
On the Civil War, he seems equally desperate to oppose slavery and to minimize its transformational impact. He seems to believe that Lincoln’s actions to end slavery were justified. However he says nothing about how Lincoln violated the Constitution in doing so. It makes no sense for him to support Lincoln because in his book, that kind of disregard for the Constitution is tyranny, no matter how necessary it is. He acts as if he hated violators of the Constitution; however, he spares the executive branch, the main culprits. George Bush and Obama have both violated the Constitution if you think about it. Perry is a man who hates the gov't and his historical viewpoints are inconsistent. We cannot trust the gov't being in his hands.

1. What does Rick Perry think is wrong with the federal government?
 Washington has shamelessly abandoned any pretense of respecting the Constitution.
2. What is wrong with the way that Rick Perry is quoting the Federalist Papers?
 He is lumping together early constitutional debaters and quoting the people on the losing side.
3. Why would Perry be so supportive of the Tenth Amendment?
 It gives the states more power and that's what he wants
4. Why is Perry's support of Lincoln during the civil war strange?
 Lincoln declared an end to slavery didn't allow secession. He did this without explicit constitutional authority, and in Perry’s book, that kind of disregard for the Constitution amounts to tyranny, no matter how morally necessary.
5. What is Perry's biggest problem with the federal government?
 He thinks Washington has shamelessly stopped trying to respect the Constitution.
6. What criticisms of Bush and Obama does the author make?
 Bush’s administration argued that the executive branch has the authority to spy on American citizens w/o a warrant, to hold and torture P.O.W.'s w/o charge, and to hand captives over to unsavory foreign torturers. And Obama has not only protected Bush officials from prosecution but also has launched wars w/o congressional approval, to assassinate American citizens w/o charge, and to persecute whistleblowers who have tried to reveal serious wrongdoings by their superiors.
7. What does Perry feel should be at the top of the public agenda?
 repealing a health-care policy passed by a democratically elected legislature
8. What is Perry's attitude toward America's military?
 He loves it. He actually asserts that the U.S. seriously underspends on national defense
9. After reading his book, what does the author end up thinking about Rick Perry?
 We might be asking too much of Perry if we expect his arguments to be consistent and for him to actually have a legit historical viewpoint on things. We also can't trust him in office since he hates the gov't so much. He might even try to do something crazy like attempt to get rid of it.
10. After reading the article, what do you think about Perry's chances of becoming the Republican Party nominee for president?
They are definitely slim to none because he made a good point by saying that he hates the gov't so why should we trust it in his hands.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Constitution Today

The framers of the Constitution did a lot for us. We have come a long way from when the Constitution was first drafted and we sometimes wonder what would they think about how we run things. Americans have debated the Constitution since the day it was signed. This past decade has been a long national civics class about what the Constitution means and how much it still matters. The rise of the Tea Party has made us focus more on the Constitution lately. As more and more people try to break down this document, the more and more we realize how conflicting it is. The framers weren't afraid of a little messiness, they knew it wasn't perfect which is where we come in and are able to change it.

The Constitution gives the President the privilege of being commander in chief, but also gives Congress the power to declare war. The Constitution also gives Congress the right to borrow money and tax. Many people suggest that the U.S. not raising the debt ceiling and defaulting would be a lesson to the government not to borrow more than it can repay. Defaulting on our debt is unconstitutional because we are unable to get out of our obligations. If Congress really wants to default the President can reject it by calling it unconstitutional and perform excessive, unnecessary actions to bind us in contracts and it would be constitutional. As one can see, alot is going on within the gov't either because someone is misinterpreting the Constitution or simply because the Constitution is conflicting within itself.
1. Which group does Stengel claim has refocused America's attention on the Constitution?
the Tea Party
2. How does he define "constitutional originalists"?
those who believe the document should be interpreted only as the drafters understood it
3. What does Texas Congressman Ron Paul say the intent of the Constitution is, and how does Stengel counter this statement?
Ron Paul said that "The Constitution was written explicitly for one purpose — to restrain the federal government" Stengel believes that the framers did the exact opposite and that the Constitution massively strengthened the central government of the U.S. for the simple reason that it established one where none had existed before.
4. What does the War Powers Resolution do?
requires the President to withdraw U.S. forces from armed hostilities if Congress has not given its approval within 60 days.
5. Why does Barack Obama think this does not apply to the situation in Libya?
It does't involve sustained fighting or active exchanges of fire with hostile forces, nor do they involve U.S. ground troops.
6. How does Stengel explain the War Powers Resolution as a check and balance?
The War Powers Resolution is a check on presidential power, but the President seeks to balance this by ignoring it.
7. Does Congress want to be in charge of committing troops? Why or why not?
No, they just dont want the President to do so with excessive force.They know that he is the Commander in Chief but the Constitution is in conflict with itsself.
8. Why would defaulting on our debt have been unconstitutional?
Section 4 of the 14th Amendment says "The validity of the public debt ... shall not be questioned."
The idea is that the U.S. shouldn't weasel out of its debts.
9. How does the argument over the debt limit usually play out?
The party out of power is always against raising the debt limit, and the party in power is always for it.
10. Why has one district judge declared Obama's Health Care plan unconstitutional?
They argue that the government can't make us do things or buy things just because we are alive.
11. Which congressional power allows the government to require us to purchase things?
Article I, Section 8, Clause 3
12. Why does Stengel argue that citizens should be required to buy insurance?
He thinks that people have the right to be let alone but doing nothing can be a private decision with public consequences.
13. What does the principle of jus soli mean?
if you're born within the borders of a country, you're automatically a citizen
14. What part of the constitution makes the US a jus soli nation?
The 14th Amendment
15. What was the original intent of this part of the constitution?
to establish that former slaves were indeed citizens and entitled to all the rights of citizenship
16. What is the difference between a constitution and a code of laws?
A code of laws says you have to stop at the red light; a constitution has broad principles that are unchanging but that must accommodate each new generation and circumstance.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cornel West and Barack Obama

Cornel West started off helping President Barack Obama early on his road to the White House; however, lately he has been defaming him. West actually called him a “black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs” as well as other insults. He believes that President Obama has given in once again to Capitol Hill. West thinks that Obama isn't helping the black community. The unemployment rate for black Americans is hovering near 17% and 11 percent of black homeowners facing foreclosure.
West and radio host, Tavis Smiley, are launching a two-week, 15-city “poverty tour,” aimed at getting the president to realize what is going on. But lately, Obama’s supporters in the black community are fighting back.  “We will not stand silent as Smiley and West criticize the man who brought us health-care reform, one of the greatest accomplishments for the poor in this country’s history,” says a spokesperson for Detroiters for Better Government. West claims that he isn't trying to stop the black turnout but, he will get his message across. However, the black community actually believes that West isn't really sincere about the poor. They think he is actually just trying to increase book sales and in the process, taking our minds away from where they need to be. The two men will eventually meet about what's best for our country before 2011 is over.
1. Obama faces opposition from the Republican Party, but which portion of the public seems the most upset with Obama's performance in office?
 The African-American community
2. What is different about unemployment and foreclosures for African Americans today?
 They are increasing
3. What is the "Congressional Black Caucus"? (you will have to look this up elsewhere)
an organization representing the black members of the United States Congress
4. What portion of the population does Cornell West think Obama is ignoring?
 the poor black people
5. What criticisms do members of the African American community have about West's approach?
 West isn't really worried about the poor and he is diverting our attention away from where it needs to be.
6. How have perceptions of Barack Obama changed in the African American community?
 He is losing their approval.
7. Why do some suspect that Cornell West's criticism is not sincere?
 Some people suspect he is just trying to sell more books rather than actually caring for the poor.
8. Why is it so important that Barack Obama make amends with Cornell West?
 He doesn't want West to continue to turn voters against him.
9. Cornell West is a good example of an "opinion leader". What do you think that means?
 He is skilled in swaying people to see what he sees.
10. What do you think about West's criticism and approach?
 He has a valid point and he is succeeding in what he is trying to do.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Obama & the Debt Ceiling

 Many people believe that the deal to raise the federal debt ceiling will be beneficial. However, it will actually make everything worse. We should begin our attempts economically. We have a depressed economy as of right now and nothing is changing anytime soon. Tough action on the budget won't cause people to spend more money. It doesn't work that way in real life.
The Republicans are becoming more and more encouraged as President Obama continues to subdue to their threats. We have reason to believe that Obama actually had a Plan B. We should all be comforted knowing that the president is willing and able to stand up to blackmail. Unfortunately, Republicans can continue to threaten to create a crisis unless the president surrenders. Its not going to be easy if whichever party is the most prepared to be ruthless wins...we're in trouble.
1. What is the federal debt ceiling?
 -The debt limit
2. What is "America's long term deficit problem"?
 -The money that we owe.
3. In the 4th paragraph, what does Krugman say is the worst thing the government can do when the economy is bad?
 -If you stop the gov't from spending money and just because you give out more money, doesn't mean that people will spend more.
4. Why do you think Krugman says that the president surrendered?
 -He is giving in to the Republicans.
5. What is "defense spending"? 
 -The money that we use to protect ourselves.
6. What is the "G.O.P"?
  'Grand Old Party' the nickname for the  Republicans
7. What is Krugman's main criticism of the way the president has handled things?
-He isn't standing up to the Republicans to blackmail
8. What is "Medicare"?
 -A federal system of health insurance for people over 65 years of age and younger people with disabilities.
9. What conclusions does Krugman make in his last paragraph?
 -Democracy can't work if the most ruthless, corrupted party always wins.
10. Based on what you have read, what do you think Krugman's political opinions are?
 -Something has to change and it won't be quick or easy. We are at a lose-lose stand-still.Our democracy is doomed if we allow a certain party to have more control than the other.