Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cornel West and Barack Obama

Cornel West started off helping President Barack Obama early on his road to the White House; however, lately he has been defaming him. West actually called him a “black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs” as well as other insults. He believes that President Obama has given in once again to Capitol Hill. West thinks that Obama isn't helping the black community. The unemployment rate for black Americans is hovering near 17% and 11 percent of black homeowners facing foreclosure.
West and radio host, Tavis Smiley, are launching a two-week, 15-city “poverty tour,” aimed at getting the president to realize what is going on. But lately, Obama’s supporters in the black community are fighting back.  “We will not stand silent as Smiley and West criticize the man who brought us health-care reform, one of the greatest accomplishments for the poor in this country’s history,” says a spokesperson for Detroiters for Better Government. West claims that he isn't trying to stop the black turnout but, he will get his message across. However, the black community actually believes that West isn't really sincere about the poor. They think he is actually just trying to increase book sales and in the process, taking our minds away from where they need to be. The two men will eventually meet about what's best for our country before 2011 is over.
1. Obama faces opposition from the Republican Party, but which portion of the public seems the most upset with Obama's performance in office?
 The African-American community
2. What is different about unemployment and foreclosures for African Americans today?
 They are increasing
3. What is the "Congressional Black Caucus"? (you will have to look this up elsewhere)
an organization representing the black members of the United States Congress
4. What portion of the population does Cornell West think Obama is ignoring?
 the poor black people
5. What criticisms do members of the African American community have about West's approach?
 West isn't really worried about the poor and he is diverting our attention away from where it needs to be.
6. How have perceptions of Barack Obama changed in the African American community?
 He is losing their approval.
7. Why do some suspect that Cornell West's criticism is not sincere?
 Some people suspect he is just trying to sell more books rather than actually caring for the poor.
8. Why is it so important that Barack Obama make amends with Cornell West?
 He doesn't want West to continue to turn voters against him.
9. Cornell West is a good example of an "opinion leader". What do you think that means?
 He is skilled in swaying people to see what he sees.
10. What do you think about West's criticism and approach?
 He has a valid point and he is succeeding in what he is trying to do.

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