Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Political Parties and Safe Districts

Anthony Weiner resigned this summer. The district in Queens had been in Democratic hands for 91 years. The day before the seat was lost, Joe Crowly was out somewhere campaigning for David Weprin. Crowley didn't show up to the victory party however. He was nowhere to be seen, but his communications director just told everybody that he was busy and had to split his time. Crowley's neighbors say that he is barely around.

Had Weiner not resigned, it would have been a no contest victory for him. People think that Weprin isn't charismatic enough and they just plain liked Weiner better. Crowley is one of the biggest fundraisers for the Democratic Party.  The inhabitants of Queens’s District Nine, where Democrats outnumber Republicans three to one and where the last Republican win was in 1920, voted with a resentment that was aimed not just at the president but at his party. This is a big defeat for Obama.
1. Joe Crowly is in charge of the Democratic Party in Queens, New York, but he is a Representative for a district in Virginia. Why might he be campaigning for candidates in New York?
New York changes from democratic to republic and vice versa.
2. What are some possible explanations for the lack of turnout among Democratic voters and volunteers?
 Anthony Weiner's resignation.
3. The article mentions unions pumping money and workers into campaigns, which way do labor unions usually lean?
4. Why would labor unions want to support a candidate for the House?
 increased turnout
5. How does Weiner's resignation illustrate some problems with federalism?
 Congressman can do whatever with no consequence
6. If people are saying that this is a defeat for Obama, what type of voting decision do you think 9th district voters made?
 they voted for whoever is running against Obama
7. What important roles does Crowly have?
 He is in charge of what goes on with the Democrats
8. Why is it so unbelievable that a Republican won in this district?
 It has been in the hands of Democrats for 91 years
9. What has happened if they are talking about eliminating the district? (hint: think about the purpose of the Census) 
 People are either moving away or simply not voting

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