Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Transformative Presidents

America needs a savior. Chris Christie is making a lasting impression, which makes the people want him to be the Republican representative. While Christie is building his hype, Obama is losing some of his voters. Christie is attacking Obama saying that nothing will get done. One-fifth of the population is either without work or searching for new employment. Obama is getting alot of dissatisfied voters.

Not every president who took over during a recession received negative feedback.FDR and Ronald Reagan are prime examples. They both took over during times of economic crises and made attempts at reforms. The reforms eventually worked in their favor and everyone loved them. Americans aren't expecting Obama to get everything done overnight, but they want him to at least look like he's trying. Americans obviously don't feel as if Obama is trying and thats not good as we approach election time.

1. What advantages would Christie have in the general election as a Republican governor of New Jersey?
 Everyone wants him to run
2. What reason is given for voters' dissatisfaction with the current crop of nominees?
 one fifth of the population is either without work or looking for more employment
3. What situations did FDR and Reagan inherit when they came to office?
 They came in during economic crises
4. How did both FDR and Reagan distance themselves from the administrations they replaced?
 they opposed a vulnerable administration, then “cut the knot, raised a new standard, and promised to restore to American government
5. What were FDR's notable achievements?
 He experimented with alot of different reforms and restored the American government during a time of crisis
6. What were Reagan's?
 He passed the largest income tax cut in history and was credited after the economy was rejuvinated.
7. How did Reagan get credit for the economic recovery from the 1980's and do you think Barack Obama is doing the same thing?
 He kept harping on his reconstructive storyline. Yes, both presidents made reforms which went wrong. After the economy is restored Obama will just say he planned that.
8. How are Obama's accomplishments in his first term different from these reconstructive presidents?
Obama is just surviving bill by bill
9. Why is Obama's approach bad for his current situation?
Obama is being too lax about the situation which makes him come off as if he doesn't care.

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