Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Iowa Caucus Results

 Mitt Romney beat Santorum by 8 votes. Santorum was a loser, but not completely. People will recognize his name from now on. That is sometimes the basis on who people will vote on. If all they hear is Santorum..Santorum...Santorum..then voters just might pick him. Romney has a full head of steam though. More than likely he will become the Republican candidate.
1. What is so special about the margin of victory?
 It was extremely close and showed how a real democracy should be
2. Who were the big winners in Iowa?
 Romney, Santorum, and Paul
3. Who were the big losers in Iowa?
Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann
4. What will these candidates likely do now?
 The losers will drop out and the winners will continue on to N.H.
5. How will Newt Gingrich change his campaign strategy after the results?
 He will campaign negatively
6. What was his approach to negative ads?
 He turned the other cheek
7. Based on the results, do you think negative ads are usually effective?
 Yes, thats just what Americans like. Someone else talking bad about another
8. What will happen in the next week?
9. What major advantages does Romney have in the next competition?
 Name recognition, confidence, and home-field
10. The article says primaries are "less volatile" than a caucus. What does that mean?
  ppl will remember a primary longer than they will the results from a caucus and they will actually have to prepare for it
11. How is South Carolina different from New Hampshire and Iowa for Republicans?
 SC is more Conservative
12. What groups did Ron Paul appeal to and how would that help him in a general election?
Democrats and young ppl
13. Based on the results, what do you think will happen as the Republican race continues? 
 Romney for pres.

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