Monday, January 30, 2012

Obama - State of the Union - 01.24.12

First off, I'll tell what i liked about his speech. The main thing that jumped out to me was his style. I liked how he singled out just random ordinary people based on their good deeds. He made it seem as if we know him on a personal level. Its good to know that our president, one of the most powerful men in the world, has enough time to single out typical Americans because of an injustice that was served to them and their ability to perservere.

Obama plans to do alot if he is reelected. His main priority, it seems, is to restore an economy where everyone gets a fair shot. He also wants to create more jobs of course. But he wants us to stay at home. What I mean by this is, that Obama wants the people that we educate, the things that we buy, and the things that we make, should stay here in America. He wants to stop rewarding businesses that ship jobs overseas, and start rewarding companies that create jobs right here in America. He plans to lower tuition and reward teachers who are doing good jobs. One that that I'm sure pissed rich people off was when he said that if you make over 1 million a year then there is no way that you should be paying less than 30% in taxes.

Obama didnt directly slander republicans, but he did say some things targeted to them. He made sure to talk about cutting taxes for the people that make under $250,000 and raising them for people that make over $1,000,000. He plans to create more jobs and expand the gov't. Both of which the Republicans are against. Obama stated that he wanted to reward businesses that only sold their goods in America. I believe that this will anger Republicans as well because that will hurt their businesses.

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