Thursday, December 8, 2011

More Great News!

Early last week Congress voted to lift the ban on horse slaughter in the United States. But people think that its ok for them to eat horse meat rather than eat foie gras. People try to argue that ducks are forced to suffer their entire lives. Horses, some will say, have it easy. They have an opportunity to live a happy good life. It's crazy because none of us speak horse. So we have no idea on whats going on inside their minds.
1. What was happening to horses in America destined for slaughter anyway?
 They were being sent to Mexico
2. What do you personally think about people who boycott foods because they think they are unethical?
 I honestly think they are doing what they are doing for nothing. Our nation is full of stubborn people who will do whatever they want despite what others want or care about....sad face
3. What do you think Rakestraw thinks about people who protest foods because they think they are unethical? 
 lol I dont think he gaf about them and he would be green and eat horse fingers in their faces
4. Why do people get so upset about foie gras?
 Ducks suffer when tubes get shoved down their throats to swell the liver.
5. What is different about people's relationship with ducks and horses?
 People think that horses have it better because they have an opportunity to live a happy life and they never see their deaths coming, but ducks have it hard.
6. Explain why this is silly.
 We are unable to know what goes on in a ducks mind as well as a horses.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Pork Barrel Legislation!

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor flutters the hearts of the government-bashing, budget-slicing faithful with his relentless attacks on runaway federal spending. To Cantor, an $8 billion high-speed rail connecting Las Vegas to Disneyland is wasteful “pork-barrel spending. But away from the cameras, Cantor is guilty of using pork barrel too. He says that in his home state of Virginia, it "will demonstrate that this historic investment in rail will create jobs, reduce congestion, spur economic growth and improve our environment."

1. If Eric Cantor is the House Majority Leader, what is he supposed to do?
 He is responsible for scheduling bills, influencing committee assignments, and rounding up votes in behalf of the party's legislative positions
2. Why would Cantor recommend cutting a high speed rail program in Nevada, but not similar programs in Virginia?
 Virginia is his home state
3. Why would voters be disappointed in these Tea Party members?
 the budget isn't being cut
4. What evidence do you have that even House leadership asks for pork projects?
 Boehner and Issa havwe asked for them
5. Why would Congressmen call out members of their own party for asking for pork projects?
pork projects dont benefit the party only a Congressman's constituency.
6. Ron Paul is a Libertarian. Why is it surprising to find him asking for pork?
he believes that all spending should be cut but he is asking for money
7. What did Republicans say publicly about Obama's stimulus package? What are they doing privately?
 they were against it, but they are able to use it for their constituency
8. How do you think these Congressmen's constituency would feel about them for their actions?
 they wouldnt care as long as it helped them

Great News for America!!!!

Obama legalized horse slaughterhouses. The House version of the bill retained the de-funding language and the Senate version did not. Him signing the bill cut the funding, resulting in horsy patties!!

1. Is this awesome?
YES!! FREAKING AWESOME! I wonder how will the meat taste.....I guess i'll find out soon!

Balanced Budget Amendment FAIL

1. What is required for Congress to propose amendments?
 2/3 majority
2. Why are Democrats against a balanced budget amendment?
 it would cause some social programs to be cut
3. If this bill passed the House, would it be sent to the states for ratification?
 no. it would be sent to the senate
4. What is the national debt? (NOT how much is it)
 the money that America borrows from other countries
5. Why would programs be at risk during economic downturns if there was an amendment that forced the budget to be balanced?
 spending would be cut
6. David Drier is the Chairman of the House Rules committee. Why is he so important?
he has to schedule all bills for review, set a limit on debate and he also decides whether or not the bill is open or closed
7. What important costs mentioned at the end of the article need to be considered when thinking about an amendment forcing a balanced budget?
national security and defense costs
8. What type of spending is characteristic of the government in the last 50 years?
 the gov't has been spending a lot on defense costs

Blog Post 2.5

1. What is a financial - disclosure record?
it is a history of what type of investments legislators make.
2. Why do we need those?
 to keep track of them
3. Which one of John Kerry's jobs in the Senate is mentioned? What does that mean he is responsible for?
chairman of the heath subcommittee. he is responsible for the drug legislation
4. What was John Boehner doing during health care reform debates?
he was the house majority leader and was investing tens of thousands of dollars in health-insurance-company stocks
5. What is insider trading?
insider trading of a corporations stocks by individuals with potential access to non-public information about the company
6. What do the House and Senate ethics rules say about congressmen's stock ownership?
it states that a member’s recusal from a vote affecting his or her stock portfolio “might be denying a voice” in the process.
7. What suspicious activity did former Speaker Nancy Pelosi take part in?
Her husband invested between $1 and $5 million on Visa when she was Speaker of the House
8. How will the Tea Party and Occupy movements likely respond to this book?
 The book arrived at a moment when the populist anger and resentment of the Tea Party and Occupy movements have melded into a kind of generalized outrage toward a system that seems geared to protect the interests of the few.
9. What does the author (of the book) say is his main problem with politicians?
 the political elite dont have to really abide by the rules that the average person does

Congress: Trading Stock on inside info?
 There are many perks to being a Congressman besides the salary. The biggest challenge of a congressman is resisting temptation. Some congressmen and senators manage to accumulate significant wealth beyond their salaries and are adept at buying and selling stocks. The rules are conveniently written so that they don't have to worry about them. It is illegal for normal people to do so, but congressmen are exempt from these rules. Backus says that he never trades stocks for non-public info but his financial disclosure report indicates otherwise.

What counts as inside info?
Congressional hearings are pre-staged. Most work gets done in off the record meetings, telephone calls, and behind closed doors. Knowing how something is going to affect a company and knowing whats going to happen to a certain section of the economy before everyone else is essential. Tha'ts why people turn to lobbyists. 

 Keeping Congress clean 
Congressmen must hold themselves to a higher standard. We're holding everyone to a standard that we refuse to hold ourselves to. This opens up room for abuse. The invitation for abuse opens up disdain for the government. Even though people tend to say that they don't trust Congress, it can be a beautiful institution.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Congress and Potential Policies

Republican candidates have many ideas about how to fix the economy. But until a candidate is chosen to run against Obama, the candidates' main task is to present their economic policies without much concern for practical implementation. As of right now all the candidates are telling us what they would do for us if they were to win the election. Getting these ideas passed, however, wont be easy.
Presidents don't pass laws so they still have to put up with and try to influence Congress. If a Republican was to win, the Democrats still hold a 51 seat majority in the Senate. So the chances of a Republicans bill being passed are slim. Luckily, a handful of seats are about to be up for election.
1. Why aren't the candidates talking about the likelihood of their programs being passed?
They are more worried about attacks and their main task is to present their ideas to the country so one of them can run against Obama
2. Why doesn't a presidential election really change the direction of the country?
Presidents dont pass laws. We have to wait for 535 ppl to agree
3. How many Senate seats will be up for election in 2012?
The Cook Political Report rates five Democratic seats as toss-ups and two more as vulnerable, while Republicans will only defend four at-risk seats.
4. How many could actually change hands?
 If the Democrats don't hold on to at least 43 seats, it could cause a problem for them.
5. Why would the Democrats still be able to block legislation with only 43 seats in the Senate?
If Obama loses it will leave the Democrats embittered and unwilling to compromise with the GOP
6. How could Rick Perry drastically change the future of social security?
His plan would allow younger citizens to opt for personal retirement accounts instead of Social Security
7. Why do you think Rick Perry and Herman Cain's plans are more popular than Mitt Romney's 87 page plan?
 Honestly i think it was just too long for others to look at.
8. Almost everyone wants to get rid of Obama's health care plan. Why do you think it will or won't be repealed?
 There is no way they will be able to get 60 votes to repeal it.
9. Why do people dislike Herman Cain's "9-9-9 plan"?
Democrats oppose a true flat tax and it would give a greater break to higher incomes and potentially raise the burden on the lowest incomes
10. OOOH!!! Which Republican clown is your favorite? Why??
Michele Bachmann doesn't have the long boring plans unlike the other candidates and just about all of her points are of interest to me....and she's pretty :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Republicans and Chris Christie

Chris Christie isn’t running for president. He actually had a chance to save the Republican Party. He refused to run because when the presidential candidates were asked whether any of them would accept a budget deal and they all said no and the Republican Party officially became a danger to itself and to the country. The G.O.P. announced that it would not be a partner for the Grand Bargain. This bargain would simultaneously boost the economy and optimism by its economic logic and the mere fact of the two parties working together. 
 Obama is moving away from this bargain. Him trying to respond to the G.O.P. this close to election time was a bad idea. Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles made a plan that would cut the dent by $3.9 trillion by 2020. Obama didn't support this plan and by making his watered-down version of it, he created a chance for Republicans to take advantage. If Christie would have ran, then the country would win in the election because  the candidates would have been fighting against each other for chance. Instead, the country loses either way.

1. How does Friedman feel about Republican taxing and spending policies?
 He thinks the party has become a danger to itself as well as the country
2. What would the Grand Bargain be?
something that provides more near-term investment in the economy that spurs job growth, combined with a credible long-term plan to increase tax revenues and trim entitlement
3. What are the implications of lower government spending for the future?
lower spending today means lower taxes tomorrow
4. What are the implications of refusing to raise taxes for the future?
a high and rising commitment to future taxes
5. What has been Obama's response to the Republican plan?
moving away from entitlement reform and embracing multiple tax increases on the wealthy
6. Is that a good repsonse leading up to an election?
 no it was a huge mistake
7. What was the Simpson - Bowles deficit reduction plan?
through raising tax revenues, cutting defense and increasing the age at which people would qualify for Social Security and Medicare
8. Which groups is this likely to anger?
  old people
9. Because Obama has not embraced the bargain, what opportunities do Republicans have?
 a sane candidate can embrace the bargain and send Obama back to the center
10. Why was Christie so appealing for the general election?
he seemed ready to tell hard truths that Obama has started to shrink from
11. How does Friedman say that the race has changed because there's no Christie and Obama has a new approach?
the whole country is going to lose because the winner will not have had a mandate for the real change we need
12. How would you describe Friedman's political views based on the article?
 He is in favor of raising tax revenues, cutting defense and increasing the age for Social Security and Medicare, the bargain proposed by Simpson and Bowles.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street is a movement that is spreading fast in cities. It has started recently but it is already struggling to maintain its focus and identity. The future of Occupy Wall Street as a political force may well depend on how well it conveys its message and mission. The group says they cannot wait any longer and let corporate greed and corrupt politics run the nation. The group calls themselves "The 99%." This means that 40% of the nations wealth is in the  hands of the richest 1% of the population.
OWS members are rallying against the military, corporations, Wall Street, political corruption, the president and even capitalism. Protestors are aiming for the political heights achieved by the tea party. The tea party's precedent suggests that a movement can flourish even with an unclear identity and some pretty far-out ideas. Obama was asked about OWS and he said that he understands the frustration and urgent needs of those who are on the economic edge.
1. Why might Occupy Wall Street struggle as a movement as it grows in size?
It is spreading too fast
2. What does OWS mean by "We Are the 99 Percent"?
The richest 1 percent of the population during the recession owns about 40% of the nations wealth. They are saying they are that 99% with barely any money.
3. Which type of interest group tactic would this rally be?
 an unconventional protest
4. What problems are the major parties having with these splinter groups within their bases?
 their are taking the media's attention
5. What is Occupy Wall Street's problem with Obama?
They feel like he is being run and nothing is happening in Washington.
6. What changes would Occupy Wall Street like to see in the government?
the economy, corporate corruption of our political system, and the negative effects of corporate personhood
7. What do you think are its chances as a movement, and why?
 I think it will eventually be successful, because it is becoming increasingly popular and it is growing fast.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Transformative Presidents

America needs a savior. Chris Christie is making a lasting impression, which makes the people want him to be the Republican representative. While Christie is building his hype, Obama is losing some of his voters. Christie is attacking Obama saying that nothing will get done. One-fifth of the population is either without work or searching for new employment. Obama is getting alot of dissatisfied voters.

Not every president who took over during a recession received negative feedback.FDR and Ronald Reagan are prime examples. They both took over during times of economic crises and made attempts at reforms. The reforms eventually worked in their favor and everyone loved them. Americans aren't expecting Obama to get everything done overnight, but they want him to at least look like he's trying. Americans obviously don't feel as if Obama is trying and thats not good as we approach election time.

1. What advantages would Christie have in the general election as a Republican governor of New Jersey?
 Everyone wants him to run
2. What reason is given for voters' dissatisfaction with the current crop of nominees?
 one fifth of the population is either without work or looking for more employment
3. What situations did FDR and Reagan inherit when they came to office?
 They came in during economic crises
4. How did both FDR and Reagan distance themselves from the administrations they replaced?
 they opposed a vulnerable administration, then “cut the knot, raised a new standard, and promised to restore to American government
5. What were FDR's notable achievements?
 He experimented with alot of different reforms and restored the American government during a time of crisis
6. What were Reagan's?
 He passed the largest income tax cut in history and was credited after the economy was rejuvinated.
7. How did Reagan get credit for the economic recovery from the 1980's and do you think Barack Obama is doing the same thing?
 He kept harping on his reconstructive storyline. Yes, both presidents made reforms which went wrong. After the economy is restored Obama will just say he planned that.
8. How are Obama's accomplishments in his first term different from these reconstructive presidents?
Obama is just surviving bill by bill
9. Why is Obama's approach bad for his current situation?
Obama is being too lax about the situation which makes him come off as if he doesn't care.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Political Parties and Safe Districts

Anthony Weiner resigned this summer. The district in Queens had been in Democratic hands for 91 years. The day before the seat was lost, Joe Crowly was out somewhere campaigning for David Weprin. Crowley didn't show up to the victory party however. He was nowhere to be seen, but his communications director just told everybody that he was busy and had to split his time. Crowley's neighbors say that he is barely around.

Had Weiner not resigned, it would have been a no contest victory for him. People think that Weprin isn't charismatic enough and they just plain liked Weiner better. Crowley is one of the biggest fundraisers for the Democratic Party.  The inhabitants of Queens’s District Nine, where Democrats outnumber Republicans three to one and where the last Republican win was in 1920, voted with a resentment that was aimed not just at the president but at his party. This is a big defeat for Obama.
1. Joe Crowly is in charge of the Democratic Party in Queens, New York, but he is a Representative for a district in Virginia. Why might he be campaigning for candidates in New York?
New York changes from democratic to republic and vice versa.
2. What are some possible explanations for the lack of turnout among Democratic voters and volunteers?
 Anthony Weiner's resignation.
3. The article mentions unions pumping money and workers into campaigns, which way do labor unions usually lean?
4. Why would labor unions want to support a candidate for the House?
 increased turnout
5. How does Weiner's resignation illustrate some problems with federalism?
 Congressman can do whatever with no consequence
6. If people are saying that this is a defeat for Obama, what type of voting decision do you think 9th district voters made?
 they voted for whoever is running against Obama
7. What important roles does Crowly have?
 He is in charge of what goes on with the Democrats
8. Why is it so unbelievable that a Republican won in this district?
 It has been in the hands of Democrats for 91 years
9. What has happened if they are talking about eliminating the district? (hint: think about the purpose of the Census) 
 People are either moving away or simply not voting

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Personal Political Ideology

1. Taxes: Do you feel like people should pay more taxes to support more programs, or less taxes so that people keep more of their own money?
I think that people should pay more taxes to support the programs geared towards helping them. I dont think the tax increase should be outrageuous though. If the programs fail people should get reimbursed.
2. Spending: Do you feel like the government should spend a lot of money on programs or that the government should cut its spending to pay off its debt.
The gov't needs to pay off its debt, because it will only get worse and we will get in a deeper hole and stay in a recession.
3. Military: Do you believe that the US should spend lots of money on its military and maintain a large presence in other countries around the world or that they should stay out of foreign affairs and have a smaller military?
We should spend lots of money on the military in order to maintain order and we can feel safer. We can also build allies by helping other nations.
4. Welfare: Do you think that the government should help those who are less fortunate by providing them with financial assistance or that those people should find a way to help themselves without using other people’s tax money.
People should find a way to to work rather than feeling sorry for themselves and begging. The gov't shouldn't just give them anything, but they can make more jobs.
5. Gun Rights: Do you think that every person should have unrestricted rights to own guns and take them where they want to or do you think that the government should put more restrictions on people’s right to own a gun?
The gov't should put more restrictions on guns simply because there are some crazy people in the world.
6. Homosexual Rights: Do you think that the government should make sure that homosexuals are not discriminated against, including the right to marry whoever they want to, or do you think that the government should stay out of this issue and people should be allowed to discriminate against homosexuals and even ban homosexual marriage?The gov't should stay out of it, b/c the Constitution doesn't protect gay marriage.
7. Prayer in schools: Do you think that there should be prayer in schools at things like sporting events, assemblies, graduations, or over the intercom, or do you think there should be no prayer in schools at all so as not to make people with different religious beliefs uncomfortable?
There shouldn't be prayer over the intercom but you should be allowed to pray or worship whichever God you praise.
8. Abortions: Do you believe that a woman should have the right to choose to terminate a pregnancy if she does not want to have a baby, or that abortions should be illegal because an unborn baby’s rights should be protected?
A woman should be able to decide what she wants to do w/ her baby. It doesnt really matter if another person doesnt like the idea. Its her decision.
9.War on Drugs: Do you believe that the government should do everything in its power to stop the trafficking of illegal drugs by severely punishing those who posses or sell them, or do you think that drug use is a “victimless crime” and that the government should focus on other types of crime?
The gov'ts job is to protect us and drugs are harming us so they should try to stop it.
10. Rights of the Accused: Do you think that accused criminals should be able to appeal their convictions and possibly go free if there were problems in their prosecution, or that the courts already do too much to let people off the hook on technicalities?
The courts let people off the hook too much. You cant let a crazy person who has killed dozens of people free b/c he behaved well w/ other crazy people.
11. Rights of Accused Terrorists: Do you think that people accused of being terrorist have the same rights as US citizens and should be given fair trails and protected from things like torture, or do you think that the US should do all that it can to stop terrorism everywhere in the world?
The US should do all we can to stop terrorism b/c they are threatening our existence. They dont have the same rights as normal people.
12. Which of the two main ideologies do you think best describes your political beliefs?
i think i am closer to the liberal side of things because I dont believe in just taking from one person so you can give it to someone who just wants to do nothing and beg.
13. What is the main source of most of the political beliefs that you have described?
Media, I see what's happening in the news and I think for myself

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Obama & Public Opinion

 Obama devoted much of his Friday to informing everyone about the new employment data released in the morning, which showed zero job growth. On top of that, he announced that he would scale back an administration regulation on ozone that energy producers and business leaders had strenuously opposed. And administration officials started to tell everybody that Obama wouldn’t impede the approval process for an oil pipeline that environmentalists had protested at the White House for two weeks. The Obama administration didn't plan on giving America the bad news before a holiday, but John Boehner refused which forced the Obama administration to back down.
 Obama has a chance to start anew with his presidency. He is going to catch a break this week because all of the attention will be focused on September 11 commemorations and the GOP presidential debate. His main focus is increasing the job growth and he doesn't want any distractions. He is trying to push forward, but it is hard for him especially since Republicans are lashing out at him for his job. President Obama is definitely going to be busy.

1. What bad news did the Obama administration release to the media on Friday?
There is zero job growth, Obama announced that he would scale back an administration regulation on ozone that energy producers and business leaders were strongly against, Obama wouldn’t impede the approval process for an oil pipeline that environmentalists had protested at the White House for two weeks
2. Why would they do that right before a holiday weekend?
They had planned to announce it the week after but, House Speaker John Boehner refused which forced the administration to back down.
3. What will keep the public from focusing on the Obama administration's problems this week?
 Sept. 11 commemoration and GOP presidential debate on Wed.
4. What is the top item on Obama's agenda currently?
5. Explain how this story shows how the Obama administration tries to take control of public opinion so that the media does not control it.
The media is trying to focus on all of Obama's short-comings. He knows that the people want jobs and he is making it his top priority so he can show the media that he is making an effort.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Rick Perry

Rick Perry wants everyone to adhere to Federalists ideas, but his model of a fed. gov't resembles the views of Anti-Federalists. He wants a loose confederacy of independently run states with strictly limited authority to tax, little authority to enforce national laws, and primarily responsible for waging wars. His reasoning behind hating the fed. gov't is because he feels as if Washington has shamelessly abandoned trying to respect the Constitution. Perry is lumping together parts of the Federalists Papers that emphasizes the powers of the states. Whenever Perry is confronted by a historical event that challenges his constitutional fundamentalism, he ignores it.
On the Civil War, he seems equally desperate to oppose slavery and to minimize its transformational impact. He seems to believe that Lincoln’s actions to end slavery were justified. However he says nothing about how Lincoln violated the Constitution in doing so. It makes no sense for him to support Lincoln because in his book, that kind of disregard for the Constitution is tyranny, no matter how necessary it is. He acts as if he hated violators of the Constitution; however, he spares the executive branch, the main culprits. George Bush and Obama have both violated the Constitution if you think about it. Perry is a man who hates the gov't and his historical viewpoints are inconsistent. We cannot trust the gov't being in his hands.

1. What does Rick Perry think is wrong with the federal government?
 Washington has shamelessly abandoned any pretense of respecting the Constitution.
2. What is wrong with the way that Rick Perry is quoting the Federalist Papers?
 He is lumping together early constitutional debaters and quoting the people on the losing side.
3. Why would Perry be so supportive of the Tenth Amendment?
 It gives the states more power and that's what he wants
4. Why is Perry's support of Lincoln during the civil war strange?
 Lincoln declared an end to slavery didn't allow secession. He did this without explicit constitutional authority, and in Perry’s book, that kind of disregard for the Constitution amounts to tyranny, no matter how morally necessary.
5. What is Perry's biggest problem with the federal government?
 He thinks Washington has shamelessly stopped trying to respect the Constitution.
6. What criticisms of Bush and Obama does the author make?
 Bush’s administration argued that the executive branch has the authority to spy on American citizens w/o a warrant, to hold and torture P.O.W.'s w/o charge, and to hand captives over to unsavory foreign torturers. And Obama has not only protected Bush officials from prosecution but also has launched wars w/o congressional approval, to assassinate American citizens w/o charge, and to persecute whistleblowers who have tried to reveal serious wrongdoings by their superiors.
7. What does Perry feel should be at the top of the public agenda?
 repealing a health-care policy passed by a democratically elected legislature
8. What is Perry's attitude toward America's military?
 He loves it. He actually asserts that the U.S. seriously underspends on national defense
9. After reading his book, what does the author end up thinking about Rick Perry?
 We might be asking too much of Perry if we expect his arguments to be consistent and for him to actually have a legit historical viewpoint on things. We also can't trust him in office since he hates the gov't so much. He might even try to do something crazy like attempt to get rid of it.
10. After reading the article, what do you think about Perry's chances of becoming the Republican Party nominee for president?
They are definitely slim to none because he made a good point by saying that he hates the gov't so why should we trust it in his hands.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Constitution Today

The framers of the Constitution did a lot for us. We have come a long way from when the Constitution was first drafted and we sometimes wonder what would they think about how we run things. Americans have debated the Constitution since the day it was signed. This past decade has been a long national civics class about what the Constitution means and how much it still matters. The rise of the Tea Party has made us focus more on the Constitution lately. As more and more people try to break down this document, the more and more we realize how conflicting it is. The framers weren't afraid of a little messiness, they knew it wasn't perfect which is where we come in and are able to change it.

The Constitution gives the President the privilege of being commander in chief, but also gives Congress the power to declare war. The Constitution also gives Congress the right to borrow money and tax. Many people suggest that the U.S. not raising the debt ceiling and defaulting would be a lesson to the government not to borrow more than it can repay. Defaulting on our debt is unconstitutional because we are unable to get out of our obligations. If Congress really wants to default the President can reject it by calling it unconstitutional and perform excessive, unnecessary actions to bind us in contracts and it would be constitutional. As one can see, alot is going on within the gov't either because someone is misinterpreting the Constitution or simply because the Constitution is conflicting within itself.
1. Which group does Stengel claim has refocused America's attention on the Constitution?
the Tea Party
2. How does he define "constitutional originalists"?
those who believe the document should be interpreted only as the drafters understood it
3. What does Texas Congressman Ron Paul say the intent of the Constitution is, and how does Stengel counter this statement?
Ron Paul said that "The Constitution was written explicitly for one purpose — to restrain the federal government" Stengel believes that the framers did the exact opposite and that the Constitution massively strengthened the central government of the U.S. for the simple reason that it established one where none had existed before.
4. What does the War Powers Resolution do?
requires the President to withdraw U.S. forces from armed hostilities if Congress has not given its approval within 60 days.
5. Why does Barack Obama think this does not apply to the situation in Libya?
It does't involve sustained fighting or active exchanges of fire with hostile forces, nor do they involve U.S. ground troops.
6. How does Stengel explain the War Powers Resolution as a check and balance?
The War Powers Resolution is a check on presidential power, but the President seeks to balance this by ignoring it.
7. Does Congress want to be in charge of committing troops? Why or why not?
No, they just dont want the President to do so with excessive force.They know that he is the Commander in Chief but the Constitution is in conflict with itsself.
8. Why would defaulting on our debt have been unconstitutional?
Section 4 of the 14th Amendment says "The validity of the public debt ... shall not be questioned."
The idea is that the U.S. shouldn't weasel out of its debts.
9. How does the argument over the debt limit usually play out?
The party out of power is always against raising the debt limit, and the party in power is always for it.
10. Why has one district judge declared Obama's Health Care plan unconstitutional?
They argue that the government can't make us do things or buy things just because we are alive.
11. Which congressional power allows the government to require us to purchase things?
Article I, Section 8, Clause 3
12. Why does Stengel argue that citizens should be required to buy insurance?
He thinks that people have the right to be let alone but doing nothing can be a private decision with public consequences.
13. What does the principle of jus soli mean?
if you're born within the borders of a country, you're automatically a citizen
14. What part of the constitution makes the US a jus soli nation?
The 14th Amendment
15. What was the original intent of this part of the constitution?
to establish that former slaves were indeed citizens and entitled to all the rights of citizenship
16. What is the difference between a constitution and a code of laws?
A code of laws says you have to stop at the red light; a constitution has broad principles that are unchanging but that must accommodate each new generation and circumstance.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cornel West and Barack Obama

Cornel West started off helping President Barack Obama early on his road to the White House; however, lately he has been defaming him. West actually called him a “black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs” as well as other insults. He believes that President Obama has given in once again to Capitol Hill. West thinks that Obama isn't helping the black community. The unemployment rate for black Americans is hovering near 17% and 11 percent of black homeowners facing foreclosure.
West and radio host, Tavis Smiley, are launching a two-week, 15-city “poverty tour,” aimed at getting the president to realize what is going on. But lately, Obama’s supporters in the black community are fighting back.  “We will not stand silent as Smiley and West criticize the man who brought us health-care reform, one of the greatest accomplishments for the poor in this country’s history,” says a spokesperson for Detroiters for Better Government. West claims that he isn't trying to stop the black turnout but, he will get his message across. However, the black community actually believes that West isn't really sincere about the poor. They think he is actually just trying to increase book sales and in the process, taking our minds away from where they need to be. The two men will eventually meet about what's best for our country before 2011 is over.
1. Obama faces opposition from the Republican Party, but which portion of the public seems the most upset with Obama's performance in office?
 The African-American community
2. What is different about unemployment and foreclosures for African Americans today?
 They are increasing
3. What is the "Congressional Black Caucus"? (you will have to look this up elsewhere)
an organization representing the black members of the United States Congress
4. What portion of the population does Cornell West think Obama is ignoring?
 the poor black people
5. What criticisms do members of the African American community have about West's approach?
 West isn't really worried about the poor and he is diverting our attention away from where it needs to be.
6. How have perceptions of Barack Obama changed in the African American community?
 He is losing their approval.
7. Why do some suspect that Cornell West's criticism is not sincere?
 Some people suspect he is just trying to sell more books rather than actually caring for the poor.
8. Why is it so important that Barack Obama make amends with Cornell West?
 He doesn't want West to continue to turn voters against him.
9. Cornell West is a good example of an "opinion leader". What do you think that means?
 He is skilled in swaying people to see what he sees.
10. What do you think about West's criticism and approach?
 He has a valid point and he is succeeding in what he is trying to do.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Obama & the Debt Ceiling

 Many people believe that the deal to raise the federal debt ceiling will be beneficial. However, it will actually make everything worse. We should begin our attempts economically. We have a depressed economy as of right now and nothing is changing anytime soon. Tough action on the budget won't cause people to spend more money. It doesn't work that way in real life.
The Republicans are becoming more and more encouraged as President Obama continues to subdue to their threats. We have reason to believe that Obama actually had a Plan B. We should all be comforted knowing that the president is willing and able to stand up to blackmail. Unfortunately, Republicans can continue to threaten to create a crisis unless the president surrenders. Its not going to be easy if whichever party is the most prepared to be ruthless wins...we're in trouble.
1. What is the federal debt ceiling?
 -The debt limit
2. What is "America's long term deficit problem"?
 -The money that we owe.
3. In the 4th paragraph, what does Krugman say is the worst thing the government can do when the economy is bad?
 -If you stop the gov't from spending money and just because you give out more money, doesn't mean that people will spend more.
4. Why do you think Krugman says that the president surrendered?
 -He is giving in to the Republicans.
5. What is "defense spending"? 
 -The money that we use to protect ourselves.
6. What is the "G.O.P"?
  'Grand Old Party' the nickname for the  Republicans
7. What is Krugman's main criticism of the way the president has handled things?
-He isn't standing up to the Republicans to blackmail
8. What is "Medicare"?
 -A federal system of health insurance for people over 65 years of age and younger people with disabilities.
9. What conclusions does Krugman make in his last paragraph?
 -Democracy can't work if the most ruthless, corrupted party always wins.
10. Based on what you have read, what do you think Krugman's political opinions are?
 -Something has to change and it won't be quick or easy. We are at a lose-lose stand-still.Our democracy is doomed if we allow a certain party to have more control than the other.