1. Taxes: Do you feel like people should pay more taxes to support more programs, or less taxes so that people keep more of their own money?
I think that people should pay more taxes to support the programs geared towards helping them. I dont think the tax increase should be outrageuous though. If the programs fail people should get reimbursed.
2. Spending: Do you feel like the government should spend a lot of money on programs or that the government should cut its spending to pay off its debt.
The gov't needs to pay off its debt, because it will only get worse and we will get in a deeper hole and stay in a recession.
3. Military: Do you believe that the US should spend lots of money on its military and maintain a large presence in other countries around the world or that they should stay out of foreign affairs and have a smaller military?
We should spend lots of money on the military in order to maintain order and we can feel safer. We can also build allies by helping other nations.
4. Welfare: Do you think that the government should help those who are less fortunate by providing them with financial assistance or that those people should find a way to help themselves without using other people’s tax money.
People should find a way to to work rather than feeling sorry for themselves and begging. The gov't shouldn't just give them anything, but they can make more jobs.
5. Gun Rights: Do you think that every person should have unrestricted rights to own guns and take them where they want to or do you think that the government should put more restrictions on people’s right to own a gun?
The gov't should put more restrictions on guns simply because there are some crazy people in the world.
6. Homosexual Rights: Do you think that the government should make sure that homosexuals are not discriminated against, including the right to marry whoever they want to, or do you think that the government should stay out of this issue and people should be allowed to discriminate against homosexuals and even ban homosexual marriage?The gov't should stay out of it, b/c the Constitution doesn't protect gay marriage.
7. Prayer in schools: Do you think that there should be prayer in schools at things like sporting events, assemblies, graduations, or over the intercom, or do you think there should be no prayer in schools at all so as not to make people with different religious beliefs uncomfortable?
There shouldn't be prayer over the intercom but you should be allowed to pray or worship whichever God you praise.
8. Abortions: Do you believe that a woman should have the right to choose to terminate a pregnancy if she does not want to have a baby, or that abortions should be illegal because an unborn baby’s rights should be protected?
A woman should be able to decide what she wants to do w/ her baby. It doesnt really matter if another person doesnt like the idea. Its her decision.
9.War on Drugs: Do you believe that the government should do everything in its power to stop the trafficking of illegal drugs by severely punishing those who posses or sell them, or do you think that drug use is a “victimless crime” and that the government should focus on other types of crime?
The gov'ts job is to protect us and drugs are harming us so they should try to stop it.
10. Rights of the Accused: Do you think that accused criminals should be able to appeal their convictions and possibly go free if there were problems in their prosecution, or that the courts already do too much to let people off the hook on technicalities?
The courts let people off the hook too much. You cant let a crazy person who has killed dozens of people free b/c he behaved well w/ other crazy people.
11. Rights of Accused Terrorists: Do you think that people accused of being terrorist have the same rights as US citizens and should be given fair trails and protected from things like torture, or do you think that the US should do all that it can to stop terrorism everywhere in the world?
The US should do all we can to stop terrorism b/c they are threatening our existence. They dont have the same rights as normal people.
12. Which of the two main ideologies do you think best describes your political beliefs?
i think i am closer to the liberal side of things because I dont believe in just taking from one person so you can give it to someone who just wants to do nothing and beg.
13. What is the main source of most of the political beliefs that you have described?
Media, I see what's happening in the news and I think for myself